Nowadays There are many kind of POS software and hardware depends on the needs of your business. It is advisable to seek as much information and trial as possible.
Our key features are as follow.
Distributed and provided by the developers directly. You will be assured that you will receive the fastest service. Meet and solve problems at the most. The most affordable service from application with the same level of functionality.
Works on mobile devices and can be used simultaneously.
Proven by 1000+ users. Easy to use. Installation and maintenance is simple.
Downloadable from AppStore and PlayStore.
Sales reports, Profits reports, Sales volume reports, Stock reports, etc. available from anywhere, anytime, bill-to-bill.
Designed and built by co-developers from business and programmers. It is designed to focus on the real business process of Thai business.
Least equipment. Just your mobile device is enough for business. Saving budget and easy to maintain.
Your business must be ready all the time. Our system is available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. And no server down time. (Hosted by Google Server)
We keep your business information in the safest and best database (Google Cloud System). And backup automatically.
The company has no policy to earn any income or benefit from customer data. Your data is for your benefit only.
Improve and develop continuously by the needs and problems from the actual use of the customer. The advantage of most customers always comes first.
Send order tickets to up to 4 stations.
Customer service available online all the time.
Able to increase / decrease the usage plan at any time.
No Obligation. For example, 'Must buy equipment from the company.' if you have equipment, you can use it.